Ten light pole banners installed along Hiawatha Place S (between S Dearborn & S Charles) in August 2015.
Project included: historical research, art+design development, copy writing, designing promotional materials, project management.
Ten light pole banners for the Jackson Place Business Association with funding from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to mark a new arts & business corridor.
PURPLE BLOCKS - inspired by the Hiawatha Belt - symbolize community and commerce. Purple is the color of the wampum shells used to create the belt.
MAP GRAPHIC - represents the continually changing transportation infrastructure that is a prevailing influence, good and bad, in the neighborhood’s development.
BOTANICALS - Star of Bethlehem, Fennel, Fig, Fava Beans, Plums - sybolize the neighborhood’s rich multicultural and agricultural history. These plants grow as hardy perennials in the neighborhood. The underlying outline pattern references building and garden plans.